Access Keys:

Holy Family PS and Nursery, Magherafelt, Co Derry

Forest School

6th Feb 2025

Today P2A went on a fresh crisp walk to Polepatrick. We were delighted to see the Park open again after the effects of the storm. We discussed the changes in Polepatrick since our last visit, the children discussed how some branches were loose and had fallen from trees as a result of the storm they also spotted beautiful snowdrops in the ground and the crunchy frosty grass with icy tops. The children demonstrated their creativity and imagination as they worked in small groups to create a ‘winter scene’. Some of the ideas they came up with were fabulous, using leaves to make a hedgehog and bird nests in trees and a combination of thin and thick branches to recreate the bare trees spotted in the winter. Well done P2A 👏🏻