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Holy Family PS and Nursery, Magherafelt, Co Derry

Shared Education


In Holy Family Primary School we participate in the Shared Education Programme.  We are linked with Spires Integrated Primary School, Gaelscoil an tSeanchai and Magherafelt Primary School.  We value these connections as they enrich our pupils' academic, physical, social, emotional and moral education. A key aim of Shared Education is to build a strong and shared community and we facilitate this in many different ways.  

Staff work together to plan, team-teach and evaluate learning across the curriculum to enhance coverage for every child in all four schools, particularly the areas of PDMU, STEM/The World Around Us, ICT and Numeracy.   Throughout the year both staff and pupils take part in a variety of projects and initiaitives both in-person and online.

-Primary 4 and Primary 5 pupils currently participate in shared Mathletics lessons weekly via Zoom. They have have attended Meadowbank Sports Arena for Physical Education sessions led by Healthy Kidz.

-Our staff enjoyed an extremely worthwhile training day led by 'Mr P ICT' on new IT teaching and learning opportunities for our classrooms.

-In the coming months there will be a particular focus on Outdoor Learning which will take place in Parkanaur, Dungannon. 

Our pupils and staff look forward to further developing the connections already made and making some great memories along the way!



12th Mar 2025
P5B joined with P5 pupils from Magherafelt Primary school this morning organised...
27th Nov 2024
Primary 4B had a fantastic morning in Meadowbank with our friends from Spires Integrated...
15th Oct 2024
P4C had a very busy Monday morning 😅 We tuned into a live Zoom lesson alongside...